Serving here in Poland has been a true joy. It has been such an encouragement to watch the members of our team serve graciously, willingly, and joyfully regardless of what we are being asked to do. It has also been such a blessing integrating with Chuck and Vikki Franks. They are the missionaries who live here and it has been a joy to be with and serve alongside of them. They have been here 15 years and their Polish is very impressive. Since arrive here, we have been on our feet 16 for about hours a day and have all had to take turns napping throughout the day. The time change has been part of the exhaustion we are feeling, trying to convince your body that it’s time to sleep when it is 6 hours earlier than normal has been difficult. We have been waking up to start cooking breakfast each day when it is only midnight or 1am at home. It’s no wonder that our bodies are wondering what is going on! I am thankful we have weathered these difficulties pretty well.

Nathan gave 4 talks on the foundational aspects of marriage from a Biblical perspective, all through a translator. We heard many good things from the attendees about how much they learned and how helpful the teaching has been. The people here are so kind and so grateful. They are very receptive to us and our content. I can already tell it will be hard to say goodbye to them. It’s also been encouraging to see the members of our team growing in many ways through this time serving together. I knew this would happen but I had no idea what it would look like or what God would choose to do in each of us. I know the fruit from this trip will continue to be born long after our time in Poland has come to an end. It has really impressed upon me how much the Christians here are in need of good, solid, biblical teaching. I really hope that we are able to send another team here to continue building up the church here in Ilawa.

We are thankful for all of our church family and others who have supported us and are praying for us. We are very tired and can’t wait to get back to all of you! Please keep praying as we wrap up the conference tomorrow!

Jancy (and the Poland Team)